Thursday, 12 January 2006

Life with Neptune

I always enjoyed the impunity of the right wing refrain, “If you don’t like it here, go back to where you came from.” So resolute, so transcendent of any and all material realities it appeared.

And yet, and yet, it still (apparently) needs translation. “If you don’t like it here…… go back where? live where?….” not all parts of the earth are fit for decent human habitation — and that is partly because the world is a GLOBAL community, where what happens politically in Australia can affect events as far away as …I dunno… Africa?

So, in effect, the glorious right wing refrain echos the views entailed in Howard’s Pacific Solution. Namely, “If you don’t like it here, go and live AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN WITH NEPTUNE.”

I’m facetious of course — But ask yourself, why was “children overboard” such a credible scenario?

It echoed the right wing refrain that there are two choices, to live here or at the bottom the ocean -- like this was a god's honest truth about our options!


Kaunda said...

Off the wall and off topic. Once I was teaching 4th graders during a pesidential election year. I gave the students some topics to write about and one of them was the subject of women as presidents. A boy wrote in opposition: "Then we wouldn't have any freedom."

It struck me as funny, but very understandable. Mother's mostly in the American scene pronounce expectations and meet our discipline.

And yet the American women heroes don't "bite."

I wish for fantastically big women heroes and dream about them.

This is a wonderful new bloggy--with teeth.

wonderballer said...

I would have no objection to encountering a "vagina dentata" so long as the owner brushed and flossed it regularly. In addition, should such a feature become widespread in the population, it might obviate the American male's incessant and usually
unmet demands for fellatio.

Cultural barriers to objectivity