Here are a few of my unpleasanter things!
Raindrops on dragons and snot-holes on kittens......
I should be happy as I've adequately achieved a wad of work. However, there is never an excuse not to embrace misery (and actually I find my brain often compensates for the negative in life by generating positive images and vice versa!)
So here are some things I don't like:
1. The dream I had last night. I was going to start a shop on one of the fields of land available. But everybody had bought their portion of land to start their shops, and I was late to do so and didn't have the money. The University had built models of my products, but they had started to send me invoices, too. I hadn't agree to that, and yet here they were. The final invoice was for over 8 grand, for models of my products. But now I knew I had no shop to sell them from.
2. Danny Green dancing (with the stars). It's good for people to try various things, but this boggles the mind. Please. Don't.
3. Whereas September was previously constantly disappearing from the calculations as to how much time I had to do things this year, on Saturday, it seemed to my befuddled mind that July probably came after August. I find that heavy abstract thinking drains everything away from what's required for logical, conventional thought.
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