Saturday, 1 November 2008

Ushering in a New Era

And so we can start to say good-bye to the institutionalisation of cowardice, values purported but not embraced, and avarice cast as The Common Good (the logical consequence of 'trickle down economics' taken to its duplicitous conceptual limits).

Above all, I now say good-bye to those whose mode of thinking, being and morality has no link up to their own behaviour, but who rely upon claiming their higher status through encouraging and inviting the human foible of projective identification. By winning various contests, they expect to arrive at the condition whereby their negative aspects can be cast down upon you (to appear to be yours, in fact) whereas your positive aspects they claim as intrinsically their own. Thus to these empty-heads, without merit, plan to stay without merit whilst seeming to emanate pure merit and nothing besides. (It is your merit they are claiming as their own; it is their own laziness that they are attributing to you, for not being top of the sandcastle, alone.)

Goodbye to all the trolls patrolling feminist sites, whilst attributing all the hard thinking and the tokens of pure merit to themselves. Good-bye to all phony Übermensch who have never done a day's hard thinking in their lives.

Goodbye to those who wish to earn their fame and power by using other people's projection identification as a foil.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity