Wednesday, 27 May 2009

we can see your dubious mechanisms of power

I think what patriarchs (meaning chauvinists of all shapes and sizes) cannot seem to understand the most is this: "Yes! We can SEE your crutch! We understand that you are leaning on it heavily. Yes! We want to take it away."

(Perhaps they intuitively grasp the last meaning, which is why they are so intrinsically afraid of "feminism".) Why should one want to take away the ideological crutches of so many men?

Well, to liberate them of course! One wants to free them to be real men, rather than remaining cripples with a crutch.

But why can't a real man not also be a cripple with a crutch?

Why, indeed?

The eternal childishness of patriarchs never ceases to amaze me.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity