Thursday, 11 June 2009

from shamanic solitudes:shamanic doubling

Here is a quote from shamanic solitudes:

[...E]motions felt by the shaman can suddenly appear. This happened with the shaman Ram Rai, who, during the dance, saw from far off the photo of his recently deceased brother, standing on a shelf. Ram Rai burst into tears. These were not the tears of Laladum [the wood nymph with back to front feet], but the tears of a man, who re-emerged at that particular moment. But this too is part of the ritual. It is not an anomaly. It is simply the irruption of a new fragment that makes up the shamanic ritual's complexity, providing for the fact that, among the various actors taking part on the stage, besides the gods, there may also be the "man-shaman".

The shaman's body always projects a double shadow on the ground. A subtle tragic vein seems constantly to underlie every shamanic ritual performance. Just so. Without leaving any way of distinguishing between the faces and the masks.

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