Tuesday, 14 July 2009

more words on the black insider

The use of language as refreshment (from Zarathustra). Intellectuals are inward, the world is “outwards” and survival of the fittest oriented. (dualism seems Platonic) Also the naked body as inviting disgust is Platonic (Platonism is used against the mode of being of the powerful -- clothing being hypocritical.)
Exploring the possibility of bridging/sewing up the raw and bleeding existing reality through literacy.
" Inside-out is outside-in, but there is always bleeding. And hidden persuaders." P 103 The question of how to give birth to oneself – always involves suffering and submission to some ideological system or other.
" Inside" is the womb is the african identity in a global context. Not yet born. One is born through the anus of society (not in the normal way, since shamanic).
Suffering is connected to knowledge.

Impiety is part of Zimbabwean sense of humour. Earthiness. Groundedness ?
The grave is also the womb which gives birth to other selves – p 107—a reference to the spirit realm and to ego death. One gives birth to oneself through speaking – this is direct shamanic channelling.
The Divine Comedy as shamanic: Decameron as the structural basis for the story as a womb in which one may recover the black identity through literacy. Thus the outsider facilitates the birth of the insider, through water/spirit.
Faculty in the mind and compartments of the mind 25
One good scratch and the sky bleeds visions. 36 surrealism.
Womb 66


profacero said...

The old song "See that my grave is kept clean" has been in my head today. [You may be familiar with it from the early Dylan but I think it's 19th century African American or older.] I wanted to post it to Facebook line by line as I have some other songs and poems to set the tone for the day. Did not because people will take it as morose. But I wasn't thinking of it for morose reasons at all.

And: your package arrived! Haven't listened yet because I am running around. But: thank you!!!!

profacero said...

OK I am listening. C'est un great CD -- great voice(s)!!!

Cultural barriers to objectivity