Friday, 29 January 2010

Fluidity and boxing

To be oblivious of the meanings and values assigned to gender roles means that one does not speak so clearly in relation to those who make these the be-all and end-all of their existence! The use of the term, "fluidity", for instance in the post below, does not at all mean what it has been assigned to mean by those who would like to give fluidity a gender.

One could  approach this topic in an Eastern, allegorical fashion (by talking about stiff and supple trees in violent winds), but I will venture forth in a more practical note to say that I find improvements in my boxing (and kickboxing) practice these days, which are related to a re-orientation in style back towards natural movements, where the body is so fluid that it allows one movement to simply follow through upon another. This way I can get combinations in, rather than just a single strike. I do not lose out in terms of power, by this method, since the greater speed with which I move lends greater force. "Fluidity" is trusting the body to do the right thing by you in those moments when you do not have time to think. The only key is to stay supple -- and it does enable you to deflect the blows in a superior fashion than if you were to be rigidified.

Let those who believe that masculinity equals rigidity embrace their particular point of view, as perhaps a linguistic orientation to life will indeed serve them best. But I have found that the actual practice of fluidity knows neither male nor female identity.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity