Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Patriarchal mind reading

Let me give you a more succinct definition of a patriarch. A patriarch is somebody who presumes to read minds, most especially and predominantly the minds of women.

A patriarch doesn't need to read a book, because he already knows what is in it -- that is, if said book has been written by a woman.

You can talk to a patriarch about all sorts of things, but at the end of it, he will only register about 10 per cent of what you had to say. He will mingle that in with his vague ideas about "what all women really are like," and will draw his conclusions about you on that basis. This is the precise manner by which a patriarch does his mind reading: He will allow his lack of attention and vain imaginings to run away with him. Finally he will pronounce his views -- and nothing about them will be right.

A patriarch is nothing if he is not a mind reader. He will second guess any woman -- even about the details of her own life's experiences. He will come up with some generalisation that somehow just seems more apt to him than any explanation she has given.

"I get a sense that this is how it REALLY was," he will say. "A lot of what you are saying does not correlate with my own experiences and therefore doesn't make any sense at all."

"Let me tell you the real truth about your experiences from my perspective," he will drone on.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity