Thursday, 18 March 2010

Male Sexuality as orthodox patriarchy conceives it

Considering Freudian theory, I am under the impression that the male consciousness, (in the process of projecting itself into the position of female experience), is rather disgusted with itself and self-condemnatory of the fact that it feels the penis is an instrument of damage. Yet at the same time, the male, in his consciousness cannot renounce that he has one. How does he reconcile the fact that he has a penis with the fact that he considers it would be entirely natural and healthy for women to recoil at the possibility of there being any sort of (damaging) instrument as a penis?

To continue to be consistent with his view of the penis as a "sword"(an instrument of damage), he also has to conclude that all NON-SEXUAL damage done by men to women is natural, normal and entirely warranted as an extension of his sexuality. Thus, he is at least logically consistent with his views that male sexuality necessarily domination and destruction -- even though these premises are erroneous. He continues to be consistent with his view that male sexuality necessarily damages the other when he depicts female sexuality as masochistic.

Muddled thinking for sure. But it is the patriarchal normal way of reasoning its way out of cognitive dissonance to insinuate that it is "nature" itself that is perverted  -- and not the values and ideas that emerge from a patriarchal system.

Oddly enough, the ideology that continues to permit patriarchal violence seems to be so strongly predicated on the assumption that women do not like sex. In other words, it upholds the view that there is no point in differentiating the worst kinds of violence and psychological abuse from regular old sexual intercourse: according to patriarchal logic, if women accept the latter, then they are also obligated to accept the former.

1 comment:

profacero said...

This is probably it.

Cultural barriers to objectivity