Saturday, 16 October 2010

An extremely revolutionary principle: Trust must be earned

For those who do not believe that there are mechanisms of oppression, or that these are not "objective", I have a simple way for you to measure whether or not you are living under domination. All it requires is for you simply to express a certain degree of caution, verging on distrust, in relation to your authorities.

This attitude attracts punishment like an open bottle of Fanta attracts bees in a Harare park.

On a feminist blog, any expression of cautious distrust, which nonetheless hasn't grown yet to become a fully intellectual state of knowledge, is a lure for patriarchal trolls of every shape and size. One must not express distrust with the system as it is. One must embrace it. This is the distilled message of trolls, and those who take their side.

Express cautious concern that patriarchy is not the best way to go for women. Express cautious concern that one's government or local authorities do not have one's best interests at heart. Reveal evidence that one is grappling to discover an intellectual position, but hasn't quite obtained one yet.

Enter the trolls, who will always tell you their truths. A troll's belief in authority is always absolute.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity