This year has a new beginning. I've been working towards this all my life -- the point of breaking free from metaphysics.
Being free from metaphysics means that logical and empirical thinking hold my attention. I used to pay far too much regard to those who would try to make me doubt myself in order to receive my attention. My hunger for knowledge made every single human interaction an opportunity to gain ground in knowledge. I sought after knowledge like nothing else. If somebody had a different perspective from me, I wanted to know it. Particularly, I had to know how that perspective related to mine. I wanted to use others' perspectives to expand my own, in order to oversee the whole panorama of humanly constructed meaning. Nothing was more important than this. I wanted this with all of my erotic drive.
And finally the penultimate vision was mine. My thirst for knowledge was assuaged. I looked; I took it all in -- and having drunk more deeply than I'd even thought, I no longer had the need anymore for crude metaphysics.
Truth is not what it had seemed to be. I'd thought it to be present in the condensation of meaning into metaphysical principles: actually, truth is the reverse of this. It is phenomena set free from the limits of perception enforced by metaphysical principles. Metaphysical principles have turned out to be actually the bondage of truth -- and not truth's means for manifesting.
To put truth into words is to bind and limit it. Various bindings create the basis for different kinds of politics. We are all bound, to one degree or another, when we communicate. Right wing politics likes our perceptions bound in a certain way, whereas left wing politics would bind us up in another way. The politics of liberation is that which allows us the broadest vision.
Many of our perceptions are bound in one culture, but then released in another culture and vice versa. This accounts for cultural differences and the difficulty of conveying insights across cultural barriers. The main barriers to trans-cultural communication are not linguistic barriers, but perspectival barriers.
To realise this is to absolve humanity of many of its errors. For, humanity is stuck within the following state: the more we try to articulate our perceptions, the more we bind ourselves into narrow postures and states of physiological contortion. Language makes us seem to wear hard, outer shells, as the words we've spoken turn into containers of reality; publicly delineating and defining who we are. Internally, we ought to be less sure that words are able to convey as much as is assumed from them. Humans ought to be hermit crabs at most, moving from one container to another, as we grow. Humans are not the kind of organisms that do well with a permanent, hard shell.
"Truths" -- which are a subsection of the class of dogmas -- have all sorts of import for those whose inner growth has become stunted. When someone proclaims their views with a resounding certainty, observe the qualities of their behaviour. Are they shallow and pompous and determined to make you suffer? Even factual assertions can be used to take away your freedom, if they're used by someone whose whole inner being has been stunted.
One would do well to pay far more attention to the state of someone's mentality, than to the "facts". A decrepit state of inner being leads to a corruption of inner motive and design, even when the truths being presented are at their utmost objective. Even facts and truths, used wrongly, will lead directly to curtailed freedom.
Metaphysics, which is our tendency to revere "truth", must therefore take a back seat to a consideration of the whole panorama of reality -- one that encompasses our sense of how "truths" are being used politically.
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