Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Nietzsche in historical terms

Nietzsche is best viewed as someone who stands right at the end of the transition from Feudal consciousness to fully blown Bourgeois consciousness (I see academia as a remnant of Feudal consciousness; of monastic study and the like.) Sure, if you are entering bourgeois consciousness, you have to rearrange your soul. But Nietzsche thought feudal spiritual hierarchies were more elevating.

That's why I think that those who are already bourgeois (and not in a state of transition themselves) do not understand him. He was more about internal spiritual PROCESSES (what it means to change from a more Feudal consciousness to one that is Bourgeois), rather than interested in a person proclaiming any final outcome as to what he had become.

I notice that contemporary Nietzscheans do NOT understand the meaning of process; the joyful experience of transition for one state of being to another. They find this, in particular, most disturbing and will tend to misunderstand and attack the object of Nietzschean metamorphosis whenever they see these processes happening.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity