Saturday, 23 July 2011

Bataille as "Nietzsche"

I just found the part in Zarathustra where Nietzsche speaks of 'sin' as his great consolation. I had not quite realised how literal and precise Bataille's reading of Nietzsche could be.
3 hours ago · Privacy: · ·
    • Jennifer Armstrong He was always on about how to find one's way to oneself; how to become "what one is".
      3 minutes ago ·
    • Jennifer Armstrong In the case, of Nietzsche, the "doubling" of the self was in transcending shame. In the case of Bataille, it was in destroying one's bourgeois character structure in order to find a more genuine mode of experience in the immediacy. The difference is that Nietzsche believed in aristocracy, whereas Bataille knew he was oppressed by the bourgeoisie. Also, different historical eras.
      about a minute ago ·

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