Thursday, 20 October 2011

The religious psychology leading to doom and failure

Paul Tiderman :
@scratchy888: The Christian (and probably Jewish, as well) idea that men are in authority over women goes back to the garden of Eden. Because Eve allowed herself to be deceived by the serpent (Satan), she would experience pain in childbirth, her desire would be toward her husband, and he would rule over her…

Jennifer:I have already made intensive analyses of what this psychodynamic means, my lady. (If my addressing you in this way offends you — ask yourself why. After all, apparently “ladies” are exactly equal to males, under Christ.) The Judeo-Christian ideology simply justifies that men get to project the nasty parts of their psyches onto women, who are deemed to be worthy only of suffering. It also explains why Judeo-Christian men act nothing but surprised when they are rejected for abusive projective identification. (They almost never see that inevitable rejection slip coming!)

And why don’t they? Because they think they’ve worked out a “deal” with the Lord Almighty, whereby they get to treat women according to what patriarchy deems to be “their nature” and women are obliged to love them all the same.

A logical contradiction in terms, my dear lady!

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