Monday, 20 August 2012


My fantastic dream last night was about navigating snowy, mountainous terrain.  The scenery was wonderful, the environment just dangerous enough to look challenging without actually being so.  

In truth, I have never seen snow.  My working theory is that it's just sugar and salt mixed together.  These are not threatening in themselves, although it's questionable as to why some people would desire to sprinkle them all over their terrain.  

I, personally, prefer the warmer climes and wonder why some people generate the snows of their discomfort.

Be warm, I say.  Enjoy life a little more than you do.  Try not to fret.

1 comment:

Clarissa said...

You have NEVER seen snow??? Wow, this is an existence that is completely different from mine. I'm exiled from a snow area these days and the only time it snowed this winter I went outside and walked barefoot in the snow. The experience was sublime.

Cultural barriers to objectivity