So when Bataille strips away all transcendental meaning and intellectual support structures, he basically slips down to this level of relating through primary processes, or object relations (aspects of the infantile psyche still persisting in adulthood, facilitating dependency and blind revolt). There he encounters his own foundational character structure, full of incoherence and merging elements. It is, for all that, his true "self", rather than the superficial structure of ego, that rests above it.
I'm not sure it's always good to encounter oneself at this level of being.
On the positive side, it can make you see through a lot of illusions and observe the superficiality of all attempts to adapt to the world by using rationality.
At the same time, it is like encountering one's own volcanic and destabilizing processes. One can certainly learn from observing these -- but one can also, if not careful, be destroyed by them..
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