Thursday, 16 May 2013

Irigaray and Yanks misreading her

Can You Help a Depressed Person? | Clarissa's Blog

Many people misread Luce Irigaray as if she were a gender essentialist. I think it's because irony is falling into disrepute as something elitist or hard to grasp. She is, however, an ironist. How could one take a book entitled, Speculum of the other Woman" as anything but ironic? (Apparently, there was meant to be a comma after "other", but the publishers left it out.)

Irigaray is heavily influenced by Nietzsche, who is an ironist. Consider THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA - written in florid Bibilical language, whilst actually condemning religiosity and a metaphysical outlook.

Irigaray is doing the same with Lacan as Nietzsche does with the Bible. She is making fun of his portentous patriarchal attitudes by showing what he has left out of his paradigm -- the possibility of an actual, living woman. She is showing that the space he has left for women is null and void. This is supposed to be funny -- but these days people take it as if she were reifying gender.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity