They make moral ultimatums. They demand that they should be viewed as extremely moral individuals and that any statement is wholly unacceptable.
For instance, if you point out that Facebook activism might be a way of diverting one's energy from more effective modes of action, they will continue to argue with you that they are highly moral individuals and that therefore anything they set their hand to deserves to have a beneficial effect.
To tell them that maybe the action nonetheless does not have the effect simply because one intends it, causes huge consternation. "Are you accusing me of not being moral?" they say. "I'm very moral indeed! Some of my fellow Americans may not be moral, I concede. But I am very, very moral. Therefore all my actions deserve to have the effect I intend."
Then they add: "If you don't agree that I'm an extremely effective Facebook agitator, maybe you should stop generalizing, which is hurtful to me as a very moral individual."
They say: "If you see things the way you do, maybe you are not being rational or your views are lacking in moral value and do not count."
They say: "It's my way or the highway. You can't say what you say or think what you think or point out something from a non-American perspective."
"I will continue to Yank."
For instance, if you point out that Facebook activism might be a way of diverting one's energy from more effective modes of action, they will continue to argue with you that they are highly moral individuals and that therefore anything they set their hand to deserves to have a beneficial effect.
To tell them that maybe the action nonetheless does not have the effect simply because one intends it, causes huge consternation. "Are you accusing me of not being moral?" they say. "I'm very moral indeed! Some of my fellow Americans may not be moral, I concede. But I am very, very moral. Therefore all my actions deserve to have the effect I intend."
Then they add: "If you don't agree that I'm an extremely effective Facebook agitator, maybe you should stop generalizing, which is hurtful to me as a very moral individual."
They say: "If you see things the way you do, maybe you are not being rational or your views are lacking in moral value and do not count."
They say: "It's my way or the highway. You can't say what you say or think what you think or point out something from a non-American perspective."
"I will continue to Yank."
Yeah, we do this. This describes every pissing contest I've ever had online. I assumed it was like this the world over. Strange to think it might not be.
Yeah, we do this. This describes every pissing contest I've ever had online. I assumed it was like this the world over. Strange to think it might not be.
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