Monday, 10 June 2013

Plastic explosive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Plastic explosive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jan said: Your job is ALWAYS emotional work, it's considered part and parcel of being female. Everyone has access to your Well of Support. You are intended to be "worked into" the emotional architecture of the environment. They have to know what your buttons and triggers are, whether you can be manipulated, and whether there are "no go" areas in your personality, and how your particular emotional makeup can be utilized. This is achieved by a combination of drawing you out and poking you; stroking you and jerking your chain. Men seem to have a need to do this. They need to know 1) if you're sexually available; 2) if you are not sexually available, will you at least make the gesture of acknowledgment that he is A Potent Man; 3) what your piss-off points are. This last one is usually employed if 1) and 2) don't render satisfactory results or if 1) and 2) render satisfactory results.

I'm all for it!

Please add me to your architecture! I am "a soft and hand moldable solid material."


RulingPart said...

This is interesting. It describes exactly what rubs me the wrong way about so many "red pill" blogs, that for a lot of these guys EVERYTHING between the sexes is a sexual transaction, and that so many of their pickup stories follow this pattern.

Much worse, though, is the "nice guy" who attempts to storm the same breach through insincere empathy.

That said, many modern women feel that a sexually desirable man is rich, has six pack abs and could have been a standup comic had he not gone for a specialty In oncology. It's the Sex and the City/Eat Pray Love fantasy.

Jennifer Armstrong said...

Is eat pray love a fantasy or a nightmare?

Cultural barriers to objectivity