Wednesday, 5 June 2013

The left wing and the right wing of politics

The pilot is at the controls.  But he is on the left wing of politics.  He has a goal and agenda.  He has keen eyesight.  His plans for the world are spectacular.  But he must only use his left wing to reach his destination. No microscopic adjustments for the weather.  Nothing must stop him from identifying with the left.  He will go left wing all the way.

Another pilot is at the controls.  This time, he is a right wing pilot.  He will take his plane to its destination using only his right wing.  There will be no microscopic adjustments for weather, even a bad storm.  He will fly straight through it if he has to, using only his right wing.  There must be no concessions.

The left wing pilot is at the controls.  But the wind has blown him right off course and he is now heading directly for a mountain top.  He can freely use his left wing, but he will spiral to the ground.  He needs to use his right wing also, and gain altitude.

The right wing pilot thinks he can make it.  He has an eye on the controls.

The left wing pilot tries to steady his plane but he has lost control.  He smashes directly into the mountain.  And there are flames.

The right wing pilot will admit no wrong.   It's the principle that matters, and he thinks he can make it, even if it takes all day.   He has been travelling in circles for a while now, and this will take all day.

The right wing pilot has run out of fuel.

But it's the principle that matters.

He crashes into the ground and there are flames.


Luckily, both pilots are treated as heroes by an adoring populace.

"They both represented me and my ideals extremely accurately!" shouted the members of both sides of politics.

"If I believed he would have made one small adjustment for the weather, he would have lost all respect in my eyes!"

"I shall have his face emblazoned on my T-shirt!" shouted a young student who had just joined flight school.

Western society shall progress if we can all learn from those who have ideals.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity