Friday, 25 October 2013


  • Hockey’s irresponsibility has reached new heights. Treasury documents prove he is deliberately blowing out deficit and debt to score political points – unnecessarily giving the RBA a capital injection, against the advice of Treasury.  Here is the clear advice: ''Institutionally, there have been no recent precedents for the Commonwealth to provide the RBA with a capital injection. To do so could create the perception that the RBA's viability and capacity to conduct monetary policy was beholden to the government and risk undermining the credibility of the RBA as an operationally independent institution.''  Mr Hockey has spent $9 billion for political purposes when a capital injection of that size was neither desirable or requested.
    Hockey’s irresponsibility has reached new heights. Treasury documents prove he is deliberately blowing out deficit and debt to score political points – unnecessarily giving the RBA a capital injection, against the advice of Treasury. Here is the clear advice: ''Institutionally, there have been no recent precedents for the Commonwealth to provide the RBA with a capital injection. To do so could create the perception that the RBA's viability and capacity to conduct monetary policy was beholden to the government and risk undermining the credibility of the RBA as an operationally independent institution.'' Mr Hockey has spent $9 billion for political purposes when a capital injection of that size was neither desirable or requested.
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