Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Military Students | Clarissa's Blog

Military Students | Clarissa's Blog

Which is another reason why I am withdrawing from “liberation” movements. You might have seen that footage I posted, that is now making the mainstream media, where a Nigerian tug ship capsized and almost everyone in it died. A salvage team — not a rescue team — descended on it three days later. To their extreme surprise they found a guy in there who wasn’t a corpse. They got him out and he is fine.

Now they salvage guys have a white Zimbabwean accent and were acting with effective military discipline. I recognised the accent right away.

Some identity politics types on youtube immediately proclaimed that the footage was “racist”, which shows their priorities. As another guy later said to me, “lucky the salvage team bothered to turn up”.

Putting your priority on rescuing hurt feelings rather than rescuing individuals is what is wrong with identity politics today. I make it my new year’s project to crush the infamous thing.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity