Monday, 24 February 2014

Boys Don’t Cry | Clarissa's Blog

Boys Don’t Cry | Clarissa's Blog

I've given up on trying to conform to gender roles -- and I did try hard for a couple of decades to "fit in".  But now I realize that I've probably passed the cross-off age where

1.  Others are going to target me viciously for not obeying gender norms

2.  Where there is still enough flexibility in my personality (or capability lof imagining extreme change) that would enable any kind of extreme change.

Also, I've noticed that whenever I've trying to make the rational adjustment to what has been required of me, the best I have got is people labeling me "emotional" -- which makes me incomprehensible to myself, since the adjustments I had tried to make were based on my perceptions of social necessity, not inward desire.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity