Thursday, 27 March 2014

Our Political Prospects | Clarissa's Blog

Our Political Prospects | Clarissa's Blog

Well, so there is a difference between being able to split hairs on a moralistic level and getting results.  A lot of the politics of the left is a politics of purity.  So, as I have said before, Julia Gillard was deemed by many of the far left as not being good enough to represent them, because she wasn't a totally motherly mother figure, she made political compromises and would not support gay marriage. (Can you imagine how much she would have put her position under threat by embracing a controversial proposition like 'gay marriage' when she was already considered a threat to the patriarchy because of her unmarried and atheistic status?)  So the far left itself was highly instrumental in bringing down the most leftwing prime minister we've ever had.   And now we have the most anachronistic right wing government we may have ever had.   Imagine, Tony Abbott wants to bring back knighthoods and not act on climate change and basically capitulate entirely to the principles of neoliberalism.

But perhaps this is what the left wanted all this time?  It wants to feel distressed and dissatisfied with itself.   It doesn't like its representatives to be in power, because then it feels embarrassed with itself.   I mean if you have spent your whole life dreaming up a notion that a really motherly mother would deeply understand you and make darkness into light, but then all you get is a relatively efficacious female politician, perhaps the only way you can maintain your illusion is to be put a right wing patriarch in power?

Such is Australian politics nowadays.

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