Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Predictions | Clarissa's Blog

Predictions | Clarissa's Blog

This would be a movement toward more narcissism, or what in Western culture we have come to understand as the project of constantly building and shoring up "self-esteem".  

I actually anticipate a movement away from this tendency, although probably also a schisming  , as people realize that they can survive materially and even socially on less than they had imagined they would have needed.

So on one side of society, you would have these overwrought childish types, who become more apolitical as they conflate their own feelings and sensations with politics.  On the other, you will have those who are almost completely self-reliant and have learned to make do with as little input from "society" as possible.

Meanwhile there will be some massive winners and tyrants who suck up all the power and try to create fiefdoms.

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