Sunday, 24 August 2014

wisdom and fake wisdom

I'm less concerned with the problematic of "fake wisdom" because a way I always felt that the real wisdom was the ability to have an enriched life, and that -- as it has ultimately been shown to me -- one can return to one's sources of vitality if one crashes through the boundaries of the fake wisdom.  In fact notions of societal progress though knowledge are both fake and not fake wisdom depending on whether they are overemphasized.  We do need academic wisdom, but if academic wisdom builds up in importance in our minds until it becomes controlling, then it becomes fake wisdom.  But the dismantling of it is not -- then -- a mindlessly destructive deed, but the same thing as when a chicken pecks its way out of an egg.  It seems that such wisdom is supposed to encase us for a while and then is supposed to be destroyed.  There is nothing mindless about this!

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Cultural barriers to objectivity