Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Unwanted burgers

So I’ve finally pieced together my whole life story, at least in a manner that now makes sense to me, and I think it is apparent that narcissists are people who are hungry but can never be satisfied and therefore attack others, whereas a shaman takes what the narcissists throw at her and use it to destroy the aspects of the self that made her susceptible to narcissistic attacks in the first place. The shaman regenerates and resolves issues, both in the physical/behavioral sense and through coming to terms with reality on deeper and deeper levels. But narcissists — perhaps through no fault of their own, or perhaps very much so — can be given many things but they can’t seem to digest them or benefit from them, so they always want more and more and more. That is why one has to learn very carefully, especially in terms of responding to criticism. I take it as the height of naivety to bend in response to ongoing criticism, because the narcissist can never be satiated. First he criticises your writing and demeanor, but ultimately he has you bringing hamburgers to his own with free delivery, and he will still find something wrong with those burgers. They are never going to be cooked just right.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity