Thursday, 9 October 2014

Reasoning about projection and other "spiritual" laws

I think we do need to be a bit careful about one thing.,  I imagine it is quite possible that we might dislike the qualities in others that we dislike in ourselves, although I have never experienced that.  I've usually disliked the qualities in others that can do me active damage, because I don't like that feeling that here comes someone who might do to me what similar people have done in the past.  That is to say, my views are made up of a significant amount of experience combined with rational thought.   I think it very important that what we call shamanism does not lead us to inadvertently mystify our relationships.  We need to see that there are real people out there with their own reasons for doing things, and that some of these reasons and attitudes we may simply dislike for reasons other than because they remind us of ourselves.  

In fact the reasoning that says we can ONLY dislike something or someone BECAUSE they remind us of our own qualities does not make sense in my ideological framework.  There just can be lots of reasons for things.


It is possible to overcorrect for a skid.  I've had experiences where people read themselves in my situation and determinedd that I'm getting all worked up about "nothing".  That's because their own personal circumstances have never been hard, so they imagine that mine were not hard.  In that sense, though, it is like the people who are projecting the most are actually accusing ME of projecting. That whole situation can get very dense and confusing very quickly!  That's why I cautioned that you should not take the principle of projection or the law of attraction too far.  In some cases these principles might be relevant, but if we take them as being relevant all the time, communication simply becomes an impossibility.  If you assume that the main method by which the universe operates is on the basis of the law of attraction and people's projections, then basically you are accusing people of being very, very emotional indeed.  And perhaps many of them really are this way.  But not everyone and not always.  :)

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Cultural barriers to objectivity