Wednesday, 14 January 2015

A Brilliant Link | Clarissa's Blog

A Brilliant Link | Clarissa's Blog

I noticed the seeming inconsistency about Lacan, as well. Postmodernism itself is/was basically French. It’s a muddled mix of melted down ideas, coming from Paris society and its idea of politics and chic. At the same time, the way the Anglos understand it and apply it is without the irony that must have been essential to the French way of thinking. French philosophy is like the high fashion of the Paris catwalk. The dresses are cut obviously too short and unevenly, the fabric is way too transparent and what you see is not designed to be worn on the street. It’s just testing ideas. But the Anglos apply these ideas very woodenly and with heavy-handed insistence about what is deemed politically right.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity