Anyway, some aqueducts are socially systematised and some are more individual or personal. The systematised ones are perhaps harder to see because they are so expected that we mistake their existence for common sense. It’s only when someone like me protests against being used in this way (as a sewerage system for left-liberal guilt sensations) that there is a danger the structures in place might come to be noticed. Of course everybody fights against bringing their projective actions to full consciousness, as it means they can’t keep using the same conveniences, at least not with the same facility of ease.
It’s good if we can recognise what we are doing, though, as it causes us to gain much more self-awareness. And awareness of self is also awareness of the world, since the two types of knowledge can only proceed in tandem.
Conduits will always be developed, but I would like to think that the more mature among us could take into account the impact of their reflexes on others and develop other means to release their sense of dirt. Some people get rid of their dirt by praying. Some can do it by performing actual good deeds. Some do it by refracting the sense of guilt over time. But projecting it onto others, unaware that one is doing so, seems to me the actions of very immature and unselfaware people. If my sense of goodness comes too cheaply, it is worth very little. If I project and excavate my bowels through a prefabricated system, I may never know the suffering I am causing others who have to wear my pieces of shit on their heads.
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