Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Slavoj Žižek on the Charlie Hebdo massacre: Are the worst really full of passionate intensity?

Slavoj Žižek on the Charlie Hebdo massacre: Are the worst really full of passionate intensity?

So what about the core values of liberalism: freedom, equality, etc.? The paradox is that liberalism itself is not strong enough to save them against the fundamentalist onslaught. Fundamentalism is a reaction – a false, mystifying, reaction, of course - against a real flaw of liberalism, and this is why it is again and again generated by liberalism. Left to itself, liberalism will slowly undermine itself – the only thing that can save its core values is a renewed Left. In order for this key legacy to survive, liberalism needs the brotherly help of the radical Left. THIS is the only way to defeat fundamentalism, to sweep the ground under its feet.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity