Wednesday, 1 April 2015

(Whole) How not to engage with history and not be bogged down in emotion...

Part 1:The Nietzschean view on psychological and political health, compared to the prevailing Christian mentality. Historical fact and individual psychology are necessarily one and ought to be understood as interwoven, but current Western culture has developed a bipolar disorder on a broad, political and social scale by attempting to use morality to rise above the historical dirt -- an impossibility.
Part 2:It is now commonplace to imagine that all communication is emotionally-driven and that is only serves the speaker, The assumption creates hostile territory for the very possibility of thought. Take it that there are two paradigms -- one geared to making quick observations and formulating short-term solutions and the other that is in the process for the long haul. If the majority of people adopt the former formulation, they will not be able to hear, imagine or forsee a future for themselves.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity