Friday, 7 August 2015

How to Take Revenge On A Narcissist

In fact I've never felt my claws more sharpened than when dealing with the "non-dualistic" poseurs.  I took the hit they dished out, but then I invented some "random effects of the universe" of my own to fix them.  Of course it can be said that nothing negative came from me.  I was merely channelling some negative affects toward those who would perpetuate the abuse by making out I had brought it on myself.

The liberal moral relativism is a-historical and wishes to cover a multitude of sins.  In fact it is an expression of extreme intellectual laziness.  Historical context needs to be taken into account within therapy, rather that being dismissed as if it were just the basis for rationalizing the current pathio-dynamics.  IT'S NOT ABOUT LENIENCY, IT'S ABOUT LAZINESS.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity