Saturday, 24 December 2016

What is shamanic communication? #2

Reading strategies for intellectual shamanism

I don’t think I can write a book on shamanism exactly, because what has to be taught is basically non-verbal.   However, there is something else I can do, which is to expose people to the experience.  That will happen only If people are able to read meaning into the gaps I leave in my text – more into what I DO NOT SAY than into what I do – then that is shamanic for them, because like a Nietzschean text , my writing may open up for them a sense of the ABYSS.  To experience this abyss that makes one’s own reality much less complete than a fully woven whole it to enter the realm of this shamanism.   But most people run screaming from it.   They cannot tolerate the necessary holes in existence.   They want everything to be fully explained, fully rounded, and to feel completely safe, like the finely woven sheet of an ideology.
On a few can tolerate life when there are shown to be holes in the ideology – areas where a simple ideological explanation simply will not do.   They run screaming, acting as if there were something wrong with the messenger.    They can’t be honest with themselves that they have encountered an ABYSS within the fabric of existence.   This feels like a huge psychological threat to their well-being.

But those who are honest with themselves, and therefore do encounter it, will be to some extent shamanized. takes a peculiar capacity for objectivity.  Most people think that it is an error if you have related things with gaps.....for instance if I explain my enmeshment in an ideology (for instance the ideology of authoritarianism) but then do not follow it up with an explanation, an apology, and a sense of having transcended the authoritarianism I experienced already.   Especially politically correct liberals.  They get very mad at me.  “How dare she just explain her experiences and her enmeshment, without a follow up, an apology, and an embracing the ideology of liberalism that puts things into the context of white guilt?   I open up the gap for them in their ideology, because I do not immediately label actions and ideas from the past in acceptable modern and moral terms....

Friday, 23 December 2016

Exiting the vicious cycle of the Western dualities

Comments - YouTube

Comments - YouTube

Wow--thank you! Totally on topic and deeply interesting. Lucky you had those powers of adaption! But also you seem to have retained your sense of being very circumspect and cautious, waiting for confirmation of your sense of truth in every situation, before acting. For most contemporary people, that is rare behavior. As for my case, my capacity for adaptation was severely compromised from two directions. On the one side was my father's trauma, and resulting scapegoating of me. On the other side was an apparently vindictive and aggressive identity politics, which Australians had embraced, which made them paint everything that I said to them as false, manipulative and deceptive, when in fact the opposite to that has always been true. I've never ceased to speak from a position of sincerity. These two factors served to traumatize me over and over, until adaptation became out of my reach.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Political correctness & the state of contemporary, pseudo-left

origins of narcissistic flight

Western culture is in flight from reality because of the way its seems that the colonialism of the past has come back to bite it on the bum.  And, in fact, Christianity plays a role in intensifying and facilitating this flight though its notions of sinfulness.
What has happened is that in the post-colonial world, where active colonialism has now ceased, the colonial past has been painted as a quintessential form of diabolical evil.  In effect, the West now looks upon its own recent past, (and symbolically, looks at its infancy) as unmitigated and undiluted evil.  
If we compare the situation to a human child, supposing that child is told that it is diabolically and abysmally evil, what will the child do?  It will flee from itself and try to find another self, or another way of being.   At the core of the human narcissistic is extreme self-loathing, and at the core of Western civilisation, there has also developed a sensation of the same profound self-loathing.   As a result of this self-loathing, the members of the West, especially its priestly caste, the academics, struggle to see things in ordinary shades of grey.  Instead they lapse into black and white thinking, where one moment they feel that they are the messiahs and saviors of the world, and the next minute they feel that they are hopelessly beyond redemption.  (They revert to primitive defence mechanisms.) 
But it is not Christianity itself, but the inability to take in history and to come to terms with it more realistically that has shattered the foundations of any ethical thinking and genuine or sincere behavior in the West.  This guilty feeling that leads to a flight from reality also prevents people from understanding each other in realistic terms, since somebody traumatized in the way that Western civilization has been, will revert to black and white thinking only.  If you try to explain your situation to them, they may cast you as a devil, or an evil doer, whilst casting themselves as heroes and martyrs for a cause.  They revert to an immature state of being unable to process the complex realities of another human being in their midst.

That is the cause of the narcissistic phenomena in the West and its regression to infantilism.


The profound self-loathing of the West is not DUE TO colonialism, but rather it is DUE TO the inability to process colonialism as a realistic, material fact, and to integrate knowledge of it into one’s normal behaviour.   To put it clearly, I do not see anything wrong with paying reparations to those who were subjugated, so long as one does it from the bottom of one’s heart and is not forced.  Actually that would be a wholly realistic way of handling the matter (I mean “realistic” in a psychological sense, although it could present other sorts of problems, politically and economically.)
Also, developing an understanding of violence and how it is still very much woven into our human natures would be a psychologically realistic way of handling the past.
But for the most part, nothing like this has occurred.  Instead their has been a devolution into primitive defences, as a way to dodge or disavow the past.  And those who are most likely to harp on all the time about “colonialism” are also likely to be the most primitive in their embrace of black and white thinking.  Those people, in fact, also resort to magical thinking, because they think that constantly harping on about something will make things better.  In fact it just entrenches a sense of grievance about the past, whilst turning a blind eye ongoing violence (Including the rather abusive psychological violence of constantly upbraiding others in this way, for a past that has now slipped completely out of our control.
As for the Nazi regime, it was not caused by colonialism at all, but rather due to the break down of society due to Germany’s war debt and other factors.   Uneducated and small-minded people, with no end to their hardship in sight, sought out and found a scapegoat.
However, the postmodernist intellectuals also want to punish themselves for the Holocaust, which is why we had to have a destruction of any trust or belief in the solidity of a universal ethical foundation.

Once again, this desire to punish oneself has led to an outgrowth of stress, uncertainty, and consequently, primitive defences.

Monday, 14 November 2016

The internal revolution

the paradigm of shamanism

I have contrasted the modern Westerners narcissistic paradigm with that of the traditional "schizoid" type. One of the marked features of this contrast that I am trying to bring out is that the schizoid type does not have such a bombastic sense of his or her PERSONA as the contemporary Westerner does. Now, note that I do not attribute to the contemporary Westerner (who is narcissistic) a strong sense of SELF. But the Westerner has a really energetic and often well defined sense of their PERSONA. The schizoid type does not have this, and so is unlikely to energetically or emotionally project their defined persona in the world. Rather the persona for a schizoid type is very fuzzy. Paradoxically, what is strong for them is their sense of SELF, which is likely to be grounded in their sense of their earlier origins, or in nature. It is by virtue of having this very strong anchoring in a very early sense of self that the schizoid can play with the concept of persona as something necessarily undefined. Whereas the PERSONA for the Westerner is a political demarcation (hence, identity politics), the schizoid (traditional type) is rooted so firmly in their sense of tribal or geographical origins, that they reduce PERSONA to something very non-political. For them, PERSONA is forever shifting, and it is a means to convey the meaning of larger social or political dramas, through putting it on as a mask. (The schizoid does not identify with the mask but uses it to convey certain social or political meanings that are much bigger than himself.) It is not that emotion is not involved here, but it is very filtered, so that what is conveyed is the larger drama of existence, rather than the narrow needs of the individual or his sense of entitlement. The schizoid (old fashioned type) is necessarily impersonal., and so therefore are his or her emotions. And so, of course, the type I have labeled as "schizoid" is also more attuned to shamanic communication, which involves the doubling of the self-identity, social mediation, and wearing a mask ("persona") for the sake of reflecting broader truths on behalf of others.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Why religious ideas contaminate "science"

Response to Antistar: gender wars

Blaming individuals for the effects of history

Sacha Slone2 weeks ago
Narcissistic people, who prefer fantasy to reality, will indiscriminately join any group available to virtue signal from. Void of self-knowledge, these people will become highly triggered when you contradict the lies that they live on. The narcissistic social justice warrior is unreasonable, sanctimonious, biased, and self-aggrandizing. Their end goal is achieved through censorship and the continued propagation of codependent relationships. Gang stalking is a form of community mobbing and organized harassment. Organized targeting of a group is often about revenge, jealousy, sport, and/or to keep the target quiet. Gang Stalking is a systemic form of control, which seeks to suspend the activities of the targeted group. Once the targets are flagged, a notification is sent out to the community at large, and the targets are followed around 24/7 and harassed by 'community' volunteers. Portraying a group of targets as "the bad guys" is an effective gang stalking tactic. The abuse is masked under the guise of 'social justice' and 'public safety.' The gang stalkers will posture and grandstand by creating a series of manufactured events until everyone believes the target is a bad guy. A successful propaganda campaign will result in the gang stalkers being able to justify the target's punishments.

Friday, 4 November 2016

Professional Victimhood - Vulnerable narcissists, empathy fatigue, cultural decay - YouTube

Professional Victimhood - Vulnerable narcissists, empathy fatigue, cultural decay - YouTube

The Victim Olympics is very strange and is a core part of contemporary Western culture. It leads to people speaking a totally different language, whereby expressing solidarity with them is viewed, somehow, as "stealing their identity". Anybody who expresses sympathy or solidarity with someone who has been afflicted with this illness is viewed as having a malicious motive. You really have to reason things back to front to even try to understand how that works, which I cannot do. Once you make friends with them, or give them anything, they become your number one enemy, because they really deeply believe that you are set on stealing their identity.
This attitude prevents even normative politeness. When I first entered Western culture in an employment situation, I once pronounced that to my regret I had been a few minutes late to work because I'd missed the train, and I was greeted with, "Nobody is interested in your excuses!". But an excuse, in polite society, is a recognition of social norms, not a plea to have different standards applied to oneself than to others. I had no idea, back at that time, why people were being so dense about normal, social manners.

Equal opportunity pathologizing

Dominant systems, their psychological duplicity

Monday, 31 October 2016

Happy Halloween! (now, let's view terror as the totem of truth)

Modernity disbelieves in the reality of traditional violence

Down the memory hole: October, 2016

Down the memory hole: October, 2016

Counter-revolutionary trends of academic leftism - YouTube

Counter-revolutionary trends of academic leftism - YouTube

I laughed at the incongruity of the Comrade driving his Mercedes into the ditch.
Identity politics reminds me of those dark fairy tales where a witch/dark entity grants the protagonist the power of bringing a dead loved one back to life but at the cost of the life force of somebody else.

Ironically it is still the educated West who gets to call the shots and triage the various identities to allocate who will get life and who will pay off the debt with theirs.

Colonialism of the West has just inverted on the concept of itself in the social sciences as a coping mechanism of guilt and yet it is just as ruthless as colonialism ever was by ascribing value to identities based on politically motivated tier system of importance.

Even though your history was of great importance ethnographically due to the overthrowing of one extremely foreign to the West regime for another extremely foreign to West regime, your story was triaged to the back of the waiting room because you were not considered to carry the holy incantation of oppression.

Your story is now a hidden history because it has been devalued by gatekeepers of prevailing social politics to the point that not many in the West have any understanding of Zimbabwe at all,
let alone the culture that you came from and the respect to understand your particular place it.

I look forward to hearing more of your story and how you reclaimed the way to make sense of it.
The particular Comrade, who was the Health Minister, had the habit of taking his friends around the public hospitals late at night when he was drunk, proclaiming "I own this."

Saturday, 29 October 2016

Do we have "a self"? Buddhism, psychoanalysis Vs. shamanism

Political victimization examples & a gamble in 'shamanizing' - YouTube

Political victimization examples & a gamble in 'shamanizing' - YouTube

Why were Nietzsche, Bataille, and Marachera shamanising for? What were they shamanising against? If they were indeed shamanising "against" something.
Actually, they were all shamanizing against inauthenticity, which they experienced as a kind of gaslighting.
"Actually, they were all shamanizing against authenticity, which they experienced as a kind of gaslighting." Can you expand a bit on what you mean by that?
Maybe in another video...but they were rebelling against the way that the prevailing ideology of their time mitigated against their own sense of a broader and more complex reality. Nietzsche thought that religion contradicted his sense of meaning & value, and above all, his intellectual struggle. Bataille thought it was the bourgeois (middle class, capitalist) ideology, and Marechera felt it was colonialism.

Political victimization examples & a gamble in 'shamanizing'

Monday, 24 October 2016

Eugenics, medical practitioners and my experience with same

Comments - YouTube

Comments - YouTube

Thanks for the wiki on this. I have heard the term (used only ever pejoratively,) but have never met someone who identified as such-- so I have felt like I was truly sure who these elusive "SJW" creatures were. Since wiki made clear the "pursuing personal validation rather than any deep-seated conviction," that makes sense to me, of who and what is being discussed at least in terms of the useage in America. There may be people outside the US who act the way this meaning articulates, but probably (hopefully?) not many! However, as is typical in the USA the meaning of things quickly become diluted and meaningless through improper use/overuse. The term is now being lobbed at anyone who values things like academia, notions of honor and polite behavior, mercy, compassion, teamwork, excellence of speech and demeanor... most of the "old ways" I was taught were proper behaviors, are now considered effete; weak, wrong-headed and simple-minded. It's really to a point where, if a person will stoop to pick up a piece of trash and put it in a wastebin, another sort of person will come along, throw trash down, sneer, and say, "There, get to work you ****ing 'Social Justice Warrior'!" So, even tho' the useage in this video is speaking of something else than what I've just described, (I'm thinking maybe the video is addressing what could also be called typical neoliberal arrogance,) both useages are indicative of some very inefficient behaviors when it comes to the greater dialectic between cultures, races, classes, and so on. It seems to me Americans could use a refresher course on the basic skills of decency and respect for others! Then again, this is the nation that, when the UK spelled it "grey" we had to spell "gray" and if the UK spelled "colour", we had to spell "color". If the UK drives forward on the left side of the road, we must do it on the right. Just to prove we're different. Better. "Not Like You". And yet, to this day, the most-watched television program ever in the US, is likely the marriage of Prince Charles and Princess Di. So, we've been imbeciles, narcissists, gaslighters and SJWs (Jennifer/non-US useage!) from the start! Thank you, Jennifer, for another thought-provoking and well-spoken video, even with all the goings on outside!
And thank you for your comment. The video I have just uploaded also clarifies more my specific ways of using terminology and my philosophy regarding the way I employ terms. There is a problem, of course, with the American corruption of language away from having any specific meaning to indicating only emotional states. I could go back to giving my videos very bland labels like, "What I thought today" or "This is how it is." That would get around the problem of the American corruption of our English language, but I can't always do that. All I can ask is for those who have an emotional reaction to something I have said to try to restrain themselves and think about what I am saying, which is usually well-thought through. The opposite attitude would be to lecture me about my use of language or topic or ideas without really having taken the time or trouble to understand them. This too is an emotional reaction. I wonder who it was that downvoted my "aristocracy" video, as I thought it was very well-balanced, moreover historically factual, but I think this is another example of being downvoting words and terms because of their emotional reactions to them, rather than taking the time to articulate clearly what they think or feel. I do consider that attitude to have the same effect as a minor act of vandalism.

Cultural barriers to objectivity