Saturday, 29 October 2016

Political victimization examples & a gamble in 'shamanizing' - YouTube

Political victimization examples & a gamble in 'shamanizing' - YouTube

Why were Nietzsche, Bataille, and Marachera shamanising for? What were they shamanising against? If they were indeed shamanising "against" something.
Actually, they were all shamanizing against inauthenticity, which they experienced as a kind of gaslighting.
"Actually, they were all shamanizing against authenticity, which they experienced as a kind of gaslighting." Can you expand a bit on what you mean by that?
Maybe in another video...but they were rebelling against the way that the prevailing ideology of their time mitigated against their own sense of a broader and more complex reality. Nietzsche thought that religion contradicted his sense of meaning & value, and above all, his intellectual struggle. Bataille thought it was the bourgeois (middle class, capitalist) ideology, and Marechera felt it was colonialism.

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