Be proud of who you are. Each and everyday. Give yourself time to heal. To sleep, to listen to your body. You've been through war. It needs to rest. They really do destroy our self esteem our belief in ourselves and so much more. I hope you'll get to communicate to your daughter and she can one day understand your experiences and come together. It's really nice to hear from you. Hang on in there. You can get through this. It's hell, but you can come out in the other side. As for him being nice please be careful.

+Navi Bailey Good points. And NF really needs to take this notion of "war" seriously, because this is not civilian life at all. Not as it is meant to be and not as most would understand it. There really is something else going on, and every hand of seeming friendship is likely to be a decoy or an ambush. Once the scapegoat has become marked, this is what tends to happen. There really can't be a change from this, unless one completely changes environment to the extent of moving into another culture or another context. If one cannot do this, the sharks still sense the blood in the water and go in for at attack. These are people who may not even know you, but they have predatory instincts and sense injury and vulnerability. You have to really change everything about you, to survive.