Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Late night rambling: "On the felling of one's peach" - YouTube

It's hard to be hated. I scrape along, yet here, especially in one of the most disliked (and, dare I say?) misunderstood states of that most hated nation, I am hated for having a brain, or something like a brain. Any which way, a brain not typically arranged. Thrice hated, but without the charm. It's hard, but I can more than bear it. 😉
Jennifer Armstrong 
The content of that video is really troll directed, and I think I am saying something quite unusual, in this context since I am no doubt expected to aim to find approval from these highly religious folks by developing their false trappings of femininity.
Jennifer Armstrong 
By the way, as one who really is from a very tiny nation that really has absorbed all the hate, I can empathize. The only difference is I never had my fellow citizens back me up or come running to my support. We were, after all, only 200 000, scattered all across the globe, most of us experiencing different levels of trauma, so that we were tossed around on the seas of narcissism and other psychopathologies for a long time. Many of these rough ocean waves continued to be politically generated, long after the demise of Rhodesia.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity