Sunday, 22 June 2008

Last night's dream

Last night, I went to bed thinking about whether there is something about language itself that it has the capacity to have a stablising effect on our minds.

Next minute I dreamt that I had gone skiing on various icy mountains with two male friends. We performed a daring robbery and I managed to instigate an escape by pulling my rip-cord and floating down to the ground under canopy. The Sunday Times was writing a feature story on us. I enjoyed the pleasure of my success, showing my punching techniques against a punchbag in the corner of the ring, whilst thinking of the number four. Four was deeply relaxing, rewarding and stabilising. I was profoundly able to enjoy four, and visualised the base of a chair with four legs.

However, each time I thought of four, Mike, lying beside me, would get into a rhythm with his sleeping and suddenly snort -- the sound of a loud snore.

This happened four or five times. Finally I made him go and sleep out on the couch. That was before I woke up uttering to myself something about "forty-four".

1 comment:

Hattie said...

I'm glad you make him sleep on the couch instead of sleeping on the couch yourself!

Cultural barriers to objectivity