Tuesday, 9 December 2008

the male Nietzschean

All in all what the contemporary male Nietzschean desires is to appropriate for himself the rights and prerogatives of femininity as he sees it. That this femininity has nothing to do with the way most women experience the world, or indeed how they might experience "femininity" does not bother him. Femininity as it is experienced by women is often nothing less or more than the atrophication of ambition and desire as they are faced with avenues of life that lead to one dead end after another.

The male Nietzschean, however, in his romanticism and naivety, sees feminity in a different light -- as an eminently desirable range of possibilities, which he would like to appropriate for himself. He feels that the traditional masculine role is too hard a lot. Femininity, however, offers him the opportunity to start himself from scratch, presenting himself in a brand new light, according to his whims. He can embrace a narrow version of faith in aesthetics -- believing something to be true, so he makes it so. He seeks to find himself reflected in the mirror of the eyes of others, and of their deepest desires. He has found a way to make himself superficial -- and yet whilst still believing in his depths (made note of in the string-pulling behind the scenes, which enables the whole remarkable show of the male Nietzschean identity to take place.)

Having given himself a histrionic personality disorder, he believes himself admirable, and will not stand for any suggestion, no matter how carefully phrased, that he has missed the boat entirely when it comes to engaging with reality.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity