Sunday, 19 April 2009

A parable

One day the butchers were feeling bored. "Woe unto us," stated the butchers. "Our lives are very boring and without attraction." They stood around staring sullenly.

Whatever could be the matter with them? It would only take a minute or two to find out:

"Day after day, we must slaughter these pigs. It's backbreaking work and it makes us feel bad, having to do that to poor piggies."

The farmers were not prepared to overlook the hardness of their lot.

"Hey I have an idea!" said one of the butchers. "Let us pretend that the pigs are competing against us, and that we are charged with the role of keeping them in order, so as to prevent them from taking away our lot."

That seemed like a really good idea, and it really cheered everybody up.

"It isn't wrong to slaughter poor piggies if they were going to take what was ours anyway!"

The butchers spirits were visibly enlarged.

They had alighted upon the key towards getting others to respecting them as downright noble folk, whilst assuring the daily grind of everyday work seemed so much brighter.


Mike B) said...

Is there pig at the end of that fork? Depends on which end you're looking at.

profacero said...

Oh, yes.

Cultural barriers to objectivity