Saturday, 25 April 2009

how right wing ideology works

Of course it works on the basis of divide and rule. There will always be people weaker than thou to look down upon -- or, alternatively, people who just look weak because that is the way they are portrayed.

But, let me tell you one thing: So long as you are not one hundred percent obedient to the status quo, you, too, can become the victim of a right wing propaganda offensive.

If you have ever had even a minor disagreement with your boss, you have already overwhelmingly demonstrated your irrationality. For, who is the more powerful -- them or you? Since they are the more powerful out of the two of you, your position in disagreeing with them, even in a civil way, is merely emotional. As for them, the superiority of their rationality is demonstrated by the amount of power they have over you. If they were not rational by that measure, they would not have the power to tell you what to do.

Another factor: The degree of distress that you exhibit in your disagreement with the authorities just goes to show how emotional you are! (Yeees it dus, yes it dus, coochi koo!)

If you were truly rational at all, you would be walking in lockstep with your superiors, who have already demonstrated that they know better.

Divide and rule.

1 comment:

profacero said...

Yes. Actually you know, I think a book of these posts would be a useful thing ... people could keep it by their sides as they go through numerous situations, and it would help clarify what was happening.

Cultural barriers to objectivity