Then we have the so-called "gender wars", which are touted in some circles as sexy, but are about as sexy as the goings on in Abu Ghraib were sexy. The same principle applies here and is necessitated by the belief systems of the sexists. The belief that to demand one's freedom is really just a cryptic demand for power OVER you, necessitates the severity of the reaction. The sexists have set their terms: The price for the removal of their boot from my neck must necessarily be my boot on their neck. Nothing else will convince them to stop abusing their power other than the exertion of a countervailing force. Their belief system -- which leaves no room for the intervention of reason -- necessitates the severity of this response.
And so, forward with the de-nazification of culture!
And let those who nurture a belief that women are only out to steal their masculinity be reminded that if your intrinsic properties can be taken from you, and appropriated by another, then they were insubstantial.
The last thing I personally want to do is play slight of hand tricks with someone's dirty fruit basket.
I feel dirty just typing it.
hilarious! -- but that is how they make you feel.
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