Saturday, 8 August 2009

Authenticity is Flow, Nice guys

"Nice Guys" are those who never "get the girl", ostensibly because they are too nice.

At least, this is how it is according to their own interpretation of themselves

The facts suggest otherwise, namely that they are merely the ideological victims of patriarchal thinking and the inevitable bifurcations that spring directly out of this form of thought.

Self-imputed "Nice Guys" make a number of errors, and not all of them are intellectual.

The primary error is the one of having a patriarchal character structure, as really all the other mistakes and confusions are based in this primary condition -- which is already a condition of error in and of itself. We will take a look at the way the "Nice Guys' " errors escalate as they get swallowed up in the maze of patriarchal logic and end up with (even more) confusion.

Ideological Errors in sequential order:

1. "I respect traditional gender roles, therefore I am respectful of women."

2. "I notice that women do not seem excited by those who are willing to extend to them the respect of treating them in a traditional fashion as the embodiment of the quintessential feminine. Therefore, they do not want respect."

3. "Women want those who have no respect for the sanctity of traditional gender roles, therefore women only like mean guys, for there are only two types of men in the world, those who conform to gender expectations and are nice, and those who don't respect women."

4. "If I switch over from being nice, and am mean, I can make women see my true value."

5. "I will be mean to women, so that they can like me, or if not, they will at least be forced to see my ultimate value as a man."


Patriarchal dichotomies -- eg. nice guys versus mean guys -- are entirely senseless and are thoroughly illogical.

Here is the solution from Nietzsche -- you character ought to be allowed to FLOW; you ought to "create beyond yourself", by exceeding the categories of gender and expressing something other than a cardboard cut-out notion of identity.

If you're thinking everything too consciously through, you're probably not able to flow forth with any identity that is your own.

Your remain trapped in the little patriarchal box of ideology, forever screaming out your anguish ... voicelessly.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity