Saturday, 8 August 2009

So much for anxious masculinity

If you want  a remedy that will save the situation and redeem you from yourselves, you need to go beyond yourself. That was Nietzsche's way  and it was Bataille's.
Sublate what is in you. Pour what you have into the ground.
The most surprisingly erotic experience I have ever had was at a party where all the heterosexual men were dressed as drag queens.
What was surprising is how the fancy dress compelled the men to go "beyond themselves". Simultaneously they reflected me in their appearance and their exaggerated mannerisms AND they fawned on me in an entirely heterosexual fashion. This activated so many different levels of of my mind at once: "It's me in front of me (a woman), but it's nonetheless not me; they're freely distributing themselves, yet they are so obviously using their access to their feminine side for very masculine (and heterosexual) purposes.
"I'm confused! I'm delighted!"
Isn't is the basis of eroticsm to be confused and delighted at once?
Most men do not have enough security in their masculinity to express it beyond themselves.
Like the peacock's renowned feathers, one has to have one's essential qualities into excess.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity