Saturday, 16 January 2010

I am not a part of your patriarchal wars!

I will not be drawn in on your patriarchal wars. I will speak for myself, only, and will not allow my words to be distorted so that they appear to support this, or that patriarchal camp. You may take my words and distort them -- I expect it. But may you perish from your very belief in the distortions in the mirror, which are of your own making. I will not be drawn in on you patriarchal wars. You can say that I really mean this or that when I speak, and I will tell you, you are the victim of your fevered imagination. My speech is not partisan. I do not belong to this, that or the other patriarchal camp. You are deluded.


stephen said...

It is the nature of patriarchy to see itself as imbued with innate mind-powers to unravel your subconscious and see or read (correctly read that is) into words, texts and meaning. Thus even when you say something and innocently hold that by it you mean something, it will be interpreted and reinterpreted and inference derived therefrom according to the influences of power on the patriarch’s consciousness. In the patriarch’s viewpoint, there can never be innocent and value-free text and thus in his desperation to persevere the status quo or to affect it in ways that result in more political crumbs onto his table, speech, words, meaning falls into diverging extremes-either for or against. Paranoia and delusion preponderate the patriarch’s subconscious and drive even the most subtle of his behaviours.

Jennifer F. Armstrong said...

I think if you are talking about the patriarch's correct interpretations -- which is another way of saying, the patriarch's interpretations as if they were correct in some material sense -- then you are talking about "interpellation". Louis Althusser is worth looking into in reference to this term.

But, what you are discounting is the possibility of standing apart from the patriarch's interpretation -- and by this very standing apart, you make his intrepretations untrue.

(Now we are getting into the realm of shamanism.)

If you choose not to think, or act or speak as if the patriarch had affected you in any way, you make his actions untrue.

I think this is what Dambudzo was trying.

Cultural barriers to objectivity