Thursday, 11 February 2010

conservative females and their role as misogynist policeladies

It seems that humanity is prone to guilt, and that patriarchal society, in particular, is a means for dealing with this sense of primeval guilt. It creates a class of people who are guilty, no matter what they do. If women are always guilty, then there is a class of people who are free to act and behave without fear of repurcussions (especially from within their own subconscious). The primary sin that feminists commit (which is why they are hated by those who uphold this psychological status quo) is that they demystify the whole process of attributing blame and guilt to an underclass of women. The danger that this poses to males who have not been used to assuming responsibility for their actions is immense. It is above all a psychological danger of feeling overwhelmingly guilty for one's actions (whether rightly or wrongly). Conservative women step in a prevent this outcome from taking place. They make sure that women continue to bear the brunt of society's sense of guilt. In a way, they must feel like they are saving society per se, but actually they are only preserving a particular, (and particularly false), version of it.

1 comment:

Seeing Eye Chick said...

Also, Conservative Women have found a niche in which they hold status and are reverred. But in order to maintain that, they must ensure that they have plenty of foils that highlight their *virtues and their worth in that construct. So the act of policing is also an act of self preservation in that context.

Cultural barriers to objectivity