Thursday, 25 February 2010

Sadomasochism -- the informal religion of Western culture?

No! I do not consider sado-masochism, in any of its conventional social forms, to be a turn-on. I know that sets me apart -- indeed sets me aside for the kind of reeducation that would bring me in line with the category of contemporary femininity. Forgive me, Westerners, for I have sinned as I do not see any benefit in worshiping at your holy temple!

Westerners -- they can't get enough of sado-masochism! And yet, to look at it for what it is, it is nothing, just the emptiness of soul, and a fruitless attempt to make something -- anything -- out of this emptiness of soul. No, Westerners, I shall not be worshiping at your temple!

When the capacity to live as if reality were real disappears, when all that remains of life is its shadow, the generation of distorted images, that is when the quintessentially Western religion of sado-masochism comes into its own. The call to worship at this temple comes with an addendum: "If you don't join in at once, you will be left out of the principle that governs everything that's real."

Good. Leave me apart from your clammy hands that only telegraph the empty nature of your soul.

Enjoy your religion.

1 comment:

profacero said...

Ditto. It really seems to be true, though.

Cultural barriers to objectivity