Saturday, 3 April 2010

My path off the beaten track

I wasn't always off the beaten track. Yes, Sire, I used to walk in lockstep with the best of them. I had good intentions -- and, by that, you know that I was walking in lockstep all the way. And then I experienced being on the outer side of social acceptability. But I didn't know it -- and that is why I was still walking in lock step. I didn't miss a beat -- until the energies I had turned inwards and I began attacking myself.

That was when I took the path off the beaten track. I veered wildly. But the band kept playing on, and didn't notice that I'd missed several beats.

I didn't know it, either, that I had already been marked to take my life off the beaten track. This was a long time before I was born.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity