Monday, 12 April 2010

The madness in my method

Let me try to explain how I used the vector method to come to create my shamanistic paradigm, Part of it was personal experience. For instance, I exposed myself to certain worldviews are tried to determine my own reactions to them. Some of these world views, I had deducted to be psychologically regressive, because of some things I had learned from Melanie Klein's paradigm of childhood psychology. I also read widely, to expose myself to different philosophical worldviews, which I then tried to inhabit, by labelling certain attitudes of mine according to these paradigms and their terminology. By employing this method with enough paradigms, I was able to finally vectorise many of their precepts. I saw how the phenomena they described could relate to different aspects of my experiences, with the qualia of my experiences remaining the non-variable in terms of my trying on of different paradigms. On the basis of retaining this non-variable as a solid reference point, I was able to see how different paradigms tended to interlink up to a point. Although their points of view rarely intersected completely, there was enough in common with the various world views for me to create an independent paradigm out of the resulting knowledge. I called this paradigm "shamanism".

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