Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Secular reasoning is not like faith based reasoning!

Eddy Hallheiyqckzxs Ilunga Jr.:
“Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel.” (1 Peter 2:18) “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:22)
“I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.” (1 Timothy 2:12)Does it mean women and slaves have no right in front of God? somebody explain to me, please!

Jennifer Armstrong: It seems to imply that we are to rely upon the benevolence of our local patriarchs. If they are not benevolent, then we are in trouble.

Stan Sykes: Your local patriarch would likely be Mike and he looks very affable. Or maybe our local 'patriarch' is Colin Barnett?

Jennifer Armstrong: I was using abstract thought, Stan.

Stan Sykes: I know Jennifer and I agree with your copmment.
It's just that people (in general) can look at patriarchal societies and for some reason come up with the notion that they were somewhow unjust, overbearing and demeaning in structure and application.
I just used MIke to humanize it.
The realationship of Patriarchs with their wives were as husbands, lovers (if one wishes to use the term), quite often friends and partners in running their household. Sure, you can get nasty blokes and their families would pay the price. I don't know what studies are currently available on the percentage of abusive fathers in families, but I tend to fear that it might be rising.

Jennifer Armstrong: The difference between a religious view of society and a secular one is that the secular one is rational. It takes care of contingencies (such as an oppressive patriarch) by saying, "women do not need to subject themselves to males". The religious view says, "Men are generally good people, except for a few bad apples, so women should subject themselves to males." See the difference? The first principle embodies an ethical stance. The second is a principle of faith.
By the way, Mike is a socialist and is therefore in no way patriarchal.

1 comment:

Mike B) said...

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. There is no afterlife; but there is matter after you die.

Patriarchs don't advocate for: Equal political power between men and women. Abolition of wage-labour and commodity production with distribution of goods and services based on useful labour time. Grassroots democracy.

Cultural barriers to objectivity